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Visita à Letónia/Visit to Latvia - 4º dia/4th day

29 de setembro/September 29th - 4º dia/4th day

Seguiram-se workshops com alunos de todos os países e posteriormente as apresentações dos trabalhos produzidos nesses workshops sobre a sustentabilidade dos oceanos.

À noite foi o momento do convívio com muito boa disposição e onde foi possível aprender as danças tradicionais da Letónia e saborear um jantar oferecido pelas famílias de acolhimento. Este é precisamente um dos objetivos do projeto Erasmus.

Os nossos alunos estiveram sempre muitíssimo bem, com espírito de iniciativa, solidariedade e de curiosidade; perfeitamente integrados nos grupos e com sede de saber e contribuir para o trabalho comum. Orgulho!

Tão gratificante vê-los crescer!

Today was the day for the presentation of works on traditional fishing gear from different countries and how they can contribute, or not, to the sustainability of the oceans. The Portuguese work of this Erasmus Aquamaris project was recorded in August on Cortegaça beach, and the students had the opportunity to go fishing on Mr. Fernando's boat before the sun rose. They later produced the video about Arte Xávega, where they included the footage of this experience.

Then, students from different countries worked in different workshops and later presented their works on ocean sustainability.

In the evening, it was time to socialize in a very good mood and where it was possible to learn traditional Latvian dances and enjoy a dinner offered by the host families. This is precisely one of the goals of the Erasmus project.

Our students were always extremely well, with a spirit of initiative, solidarity, and curiosity; perfectly integrated in the groups and anxious to know and contribute to the common work. So proud!

So satisfying to watch them grow!


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Aquamaris - Portugal

Participantes no projeto AQUAMARIS - Acquiring Marine Ecology Insight for Sustainability (Erasmus+ 2020-2023) - de Portugal.

Participants  in the project AQUAMARIS - Acquiring Marine Ecology Insight for Sustainability (Erasmus+ 2020-2023) - from Portugal.

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Objetivos do nosso projeto/Project goals

Com o AQUAMARIS, pretendemos estudar a influência das ações humanas sobre os ecossistemas marinhos e detalhar as consequências nas várias espécies que habitam os nossos oceanos.

With AQUAMARIS, our principal objective is to study the influence our actions have on marine ecosystems and detail the consequences on the various species that inhabitate our oceans.


Obrigado por subscreveres!/Thank you for subscribing!

©2022 Aquamaris Portugal - Escola Básica e Secundária Ferreira de Castro. Criado com

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