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Despedida... / Farewell...

Sábado, 25 de fevereiro/Saturday, February 25th

Mais uma semana do projeto AQUAMARIS chega ao fim. Depois de dias de experiências, de enriquecimento de cultura, de amizades novas e de felicidade imensurável, chegou a hora dos alunos, e professores, se despedirem desta que foi a visita do projeto a Espanha.

Another week of the AQUAMARIS project comes to an end. After days of living new experiences, enriching their cultures, creating new friendships in an immeasurable happiness, the time has come for the students, and teachers, to say goodbye to the Spain visit.


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Aquamaris - Portugal

Participantes no projeto AQUAMARIS - Acquiring Marine Ecology Insight for Sustainability (Erasmus+ 2020-2023) - de Portugal.

Participants  in the project AQUAMARIS - Acquiring Marine Ecology Insight for Sustainability (Erasmus+ 2020-2023) - from Portugal.

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Objetivos do nosso projeto/Project goals

Com o AQUAMARIS, pretendemos estudar a influência das ações humanas sobre os ecossistemas marinhos e detalhar as consequências nas várias espécies que habitam os nossos oceanos.

With AQUAMARIS, our principal objective is to study the influence our actions have on marine ecosystems and detail the consequences on the various species that inhabitate our oceans.


Obrigado por subscreveres!/Thank you for subscribing!

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