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Mensagem final e vídeo/Final message and video

Depois de uma longa, mas divertida semana, em que o grupo pôde partilhar experiências inesquecíveis e conhecer a cultura de diversos países europeus, chegou a hora da despedida. Depois da festa final, que foi detalhada na publicação do 5º dia e dia da partida, a equipa portuguesa deixou uma mensagem final aos eternos amigos, e elaborou um vídeo que resume a experiência única vivida por 7 dias imortalizados no coração de cada um.

After a long, fun week, in which the group was able to share unforgettable experiences and get to know cultures from various European countries, the farewell time arrived. After the final party, which was detailed in the 5th day and departure day post, the portuguese team left a final message to its eternal friends, and elaborated a video that resumes the unique experience lived for 7 days, immortalized in every single heart.

Final message

Hello dear friends. After a week full of activities, knowledge, exchange of experiences, joys, sadness, conversations, laughter and much more that we don't remember now 😉, the entire Portuguese team hopes you enjoyed it and that you go home very tired, but with a full heart. Our heart is full of joy that we have provoked all these feelings in you. On behalf of the entire School Board, the Portuguese team of teachers, students, families and staff, we thank you for your kindness and participation in our meeting, have a safe journey back to your homes and to our life as a teachers, students and families, with the hope to see you again, soon. A big hug without masks to everyone. We'll be in touch.♥️

Final video


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Aquamaris - Portugal

Participantes no projeto AQUAMARIS - Acquiring Marine Ecology Insight for Sustainability (Erasmus+ 2020-2023) - de Portugal.

Participants  in the project AQUAMARIS - Acquiring Marine Ecology Insight for Sustainability (Erasmus+ 2020-2023) - from Portugal.

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Objetivos do nosso projeto/Project goals

Com o AQUAMARIS, pretendemos estudar a influência das ações humanas sobre os ecossistemas marinhos e detalhar as consequências nas várias espécies que habitam os nossos oceanos.

With AQUAMARIS, our principal objective is to study the influence our actions have on marine ecosystems and detail the consequences on the various species that inhabitate our oceans.


Obrigado por subscreveres!/Thank you for subscribing!

©2022 Aquamaris Portugal - Escola Básica e Secundária Ferreira de Castro. Criado com

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